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Friday, May 11, 2012

Casa De Mi Padre (Limited Release Date: 3-15-2012)

        Sometimes, a movie has a ceiling. Those that appeal to grandeur, making bold, sweeping statements about the world at large, usually do not. They could be as good (or bad) as possible, offering a wide array of possible outcomes. A Will Ferrell-starring, Spanish language, mock-soap opera? A lot less left up in the air. If the very premise of Casa De Mi Padre, which stars Ferrell as a ranchero who must become the savior of his family, makes you laugh, then this movie's got your goat. This is meant as a compliment, not an insult. While those who generally find Ferrell exhausting might not locate much mirth here, those who are at least vaguely in his corner (myself included) can celebrate his finest goofy comedy in years.

        Through silly plot mechanics, purposely terrible effects, and a few musical numbers that work out waaay better than anyone could have possibly expected, Casa emerges as a highlight of Ferrell's canon. His mexican accent is almost too spot-on to believe, rattling off complicated, lengthy tirades as though spanish was his first language. The, 'Look at this popular actor speak Spanish,' joke never really wears thin because he's just so damn good at it, playing the language straight, as opposed to purposely mucking it up, a la Your Highness. That joke (and its parent movie) got tired quickly because it wreaked of laziness. Casa, on the other hand, surges with goofball energy, prying big laughs out of mechanical white tigers, outrageous violence, and uproarious anti-American sentiment. Like I said, if Ferrell just generally isn't your bag, this one won't sway you, but I honestly can't even envision a better movie arriving out of this concept, and this star.

Grade (Against Any Old Movie): B+
Grade (For What It Was Trying To Be): A+

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